Hi. My name is Zohaib. Some of my friends like to call me Z. I am 10 years old. I am in 5th grade at The Newton School in Virginia!
One thing I love is ALL sports. Playing and watching! I play soccer and golf. Me and my family love to go to Capitals, Nationals, and DC United games.
I also love to read books. Books at home, at the library, and at Barnes and Nobles. In my other free time, I play chess, code, build legos, ride my bike, scooter, and swim. And if I have more free time I learn new things! This year I learned how to hoverboard and ice skate.
Lastly, I love helping people, especially Doctors and Nurses. I think doctors and nurses are amazing superheroes because they save lives. They helped save my life when I had gotten really sick. I had to leave my school and all the sports I love. But these awesome doctors figured out what was wrong with me, took it out of my body and and cared for me at the hospital. Now I am healthy and can do anything I love.
When the pandemic stated in March 2020, I just knew I had to help the doctors and nurses who had helped me. And so I did! You can read all about how I came up with an idea to collect PPE from hotels. It turned out to be pretty awesome. It is great to be able to help others.
I hope this pandemic is finally over but if you know anyone who still needs PPE they can always ask me for some. Just visit the Need PPE page and ill be sure to send some over.